Episode 4
We travel to Jackson County to visit with a transplant Kentuckian with cheese on the brain, then return to Morehead State and look around the Space Science Center. All that plus some great Kentucky music this week on BlueGrass HomeFront! Join Us.
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Recorded at Nuthouse Studios in Lexington Kentucky
© 2020 BlackLiteMoon Productions, all rights under copyright reserved.
Season 1 Episode 4 - September 22, 2020
Your Hosts
Executive Producer – “Tyni” Brian K Woodard (@tynibrian)
Producer/Music Supervisor – Victor Anderson (@vitoxme)
Associate Producer/Editor - Malachi Woodard
Special Thanks - Kathern Leon-Anderson, Michael Trent
The BlueGrass HomeFront theme, “My Old Kentucky Home” performed by Miles Osland and the Little Big Band, used with permission.
Bluegrass Homefront season one album art by William Thrasher. He is a cartoonist, saxophonist, host of Sequelcast 2 podcast (https://sequelcast2.podbean.com/), and creative director of Kettle of Fish Productions.
Today’s Segments
“Jackson County Cheese Lady- A visit with Kathy Rowe”
Edited by Malachi Woodard
Edited by Malachi Woodard
Recorded on location in Tyner, Kentucky.
"A Tour of the Space Science Center"
Edited by Malachi Woodard
Edited by Malachi Woodard
Recorded on location in Morehead, Kentucky.
Today’s Music
Please support these Kentucky artists who very generously allow the use of their music for BlueGrass HomeFront.
First Music Break
Joslyn and The Sweet Compression, "What Did You Think Was Gonna Happen?" https://joslynandtsc.com/
Salena Filichia, "Nothing" https://killiikillii.bandcamp.com/releases
Salena Filichia, "Nothing" https://killiikillii.bandcamp.com/releases
Tyler Halsey, "Country Boy Like Me" https://www.facebook.com/tylerhalseyofficial/
Second Music Break
Clifton Ross, "The Blood's Still Warm" https://www.facebook.com/CliftonRossMusic/
Melanie Antoinette, "Sophie" http://melanieadavis.bandcamp.com
Melanie Antoinette, "Sophie" http://melanieadavis.bandcamp.com
County Wide, "Tennessee Woman" https://www.countywideband.com/
The best Kentucky music and stories, delievered occasionally